Carl Hirschmann: Repeat Performances

Carl Hirschmann might be born rich, but he doesn’t seem to be the learning kind. After last November’s spat when he was arrested by police, he has been arrested again on Tuesday. And this after hitting out at a guest in the Hotel Dolder Grand in Zurich but not connected with the incident. 

Carl Hirschmann

Carl Hirschmann was at it again. At the Hotel Dolder Grand in Zurich, notably one of the most expensive Hotels you might find in Switzerland, he hit out at former Mr. Switzerland Sven Melig and his female companion. The latter has placed complaint with police as to having sustained bodily harm in the attack. This fact alone sheds a new light on the case of the Poor Rich Boy. As the receiving end of the punches was Sven Melig for allegedly calling Carl’s female companions floozies, it sheds a very dim light on the Hirschmann intellect.

But that was not the reason for the renewed arrest on Tuesday. After the many faults in the last publicity spat, Zurich’s attorney general at least has learned his bit and the press release this time included the reason for the arrest: Sexual harassment in one case and one for sexual acts on a minor. The court decision on his further imprisonment during the investigations will be published on Thursday.

What weighs heavily against Hirschmann in both cases is the fact that neither allegation is a first. The case of sexual acts on a minor had been raised already some years back, and even though the case had been dropped at the time, its shadows had hounded him constantly. That a new case has been deposited sheds a very negative light on what happened with the last case.

Last November, he had been arrested for another case of sexual harassment, a case that has not yet progressed to a court proceeding and is probably still under investigation. Only days after that arrest and his subsequent release on bail, he had to appear in Basel in court in a case of causing bodily harm to a person in a bar during a night out in town.

The publicity company behind Carl Hirschmann’s in club Saint Germain is in free spin over the latest developments and has deferred all statements until Wednesday. I am somehow looking forward how they will get the Saint Germain out of the line this time, as the only reason to really go there had been the status conferred by Carl Hirschmann being the owner.

For Carl the arrest by police came just in time to not join the homeless. As he had been residing at the Hotel Dolder Grand since last August, the announcement by the hotel’s management that they would not further welcome him as a guest has made a tramp of him. Reading the press release by the Hotel manager, I had to admit that it was the most politely phrased ASBO I have come across in years, citing as cause for it ‘the recent behaviour of Mr. Hirschmann’. 

First published on Triond on 12/01/10.

Further reading
When a Sassy Headline Becomes an Embarrassment
Carl Hirschmann: Poor Rich Boy
Carl Hirschmann and Noemi Lenoir


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